Agriturism shepher with sheeps with Alfonso&Lola in Caserío "La Vidriera" (El Moral)

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CIF: 11857003c
C/ Mayor 16
Telephone: +34622448239

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Connect among sheep with
Alfonso&Lola Saturday, April 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then travel to
the restaurant.

Experiential livestock agrotourism
activity, on the farm "La Vidriera", thanks to the courage of Alfonso&Lola,
young farmers from the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz, Armentum Pecore
with Miguel as a livestock guide and the city council of Caravaca de La Cruz
and its initiative to promote tourist activities for its jubilee year 2024.
This activity offers a sensory and sentimental journey that will mark a before
and after.What is included in the visit?- Open doors of the
Alfonso&Lola family livestock farm- A unique place,
with hosts with enthusiasm for the countryside and transmitting it to everyone
who visits them- The live
production of a fresh goat's cheese and its tasting- Lunch at the
restaurant in El Moral or El Moralejo, depending on availability and
convenience- Soft drinks and
cold drinks
Doesn't that sound like much?
Bonus:1) We may be lucky enough to see the birth of a lamb, since the
farrowing season begins on April 15, a unique sensation and magical moment of
rural life, which activates a virtuous circle of happiness, health and love for
our environment.2) But above all, the activity begins that day, but it does not end
since we will continue to be in contact to offer you the possibility of
acquiring products from the La Vidriera farm before anyone else, reserving a
lot or an animal for a special occasion that makes you remember the moments
lived.The activity does NOT include- Transportation to
the farm and restaurant (ask for possibility of transportation from Caravaca to
the farm)Information of interest- It is advisable to
wear comfortable clothing appropriate to the time of year, as well as sports or
field shoes (sandals, shoes or platforms with heels are not recommended).- Sun protection,
sunscreen, hat or hat - If you have any special needs, it is advisable to let
the organiser know in advance.PRICING- Price per adult:
75¤ VAT included- Price per child
< 18 years old: free*.*You will only have to pay for the meal (< 25¤).

In this rural tourist activity,
we want to make attendees participate in the experience of living,
feeling and touching for a few hours the sensations and benefits of rural activity,
as guarantors of the current landscape, as well as being able to learn about
the environmental and ecosystem benefits offered by a millenary and ancestral
activity such as the extensive grazing of Segureño sheep, the tailors of
our territory, and which unfortunately is doomed to extinction without popular
and social support.
These territories inhabited by  wild fauna (which we do not promise to
be able to see), such as goldfinches, shrikes, buntings and greenfinches, or
bee-eaters, partridges, rabbits, or snakes such as the bastard snake, the
hoopoe, the white wagtail, the quail, the common vole, the blind snake or the
common toad, among others, are worth discovering everything that
contributes to society as a  whole
and to the inhabitants.locals in particular. In addition, it also has
mammals such as bats, hares, wild boars, and predatory animals, or even birds
of prey such as kites and also carrion birds such as vultures. All this fauna
exists thanks to the conservation of a territorial heritage that allows this
great variety of fauna to continue to exist in our environment.
Likewise, human
beings, for centuries, have been shaping the territory, using the right areas
to produce food, the mountains and wild areas for fodder use with sheep and the
symbiosis between agricultural production and animal production have always
gone hand in hand... until a few decades ago.

For the experiential agro-livestock
activity: get to know yourself among sheep, we want to join forces between the
farmers of the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz, for their jubilee year in
2024 and Armentum Pecore as a livestock guide, to offer a sensory and
sentimental journey that will mark a before and after. We have the support of
half a dozen cattle ranches in Caravaca de La Cruz.

In this particular experience, we
will have Alfonso and Lola, young farmers who have left the city to settle in
the countryside and enjoy nature and be able to maintain it. For this reason,
we will offer the possibility to:
- Raise awareness of
the essential role of properly managed livestock farming in the territory
- The benefits of
having the space occupied with productions that recycle what we are not able to
recycle (shrubs, herbs, meadows, plant debris, riverbanks, valleys...)
- Determine which
products are healthiest for humans.
- Valuing that a local food, obtained
from local animals, managed by local people and consumed by local consumers...

It activates a virtuous circle of happiness, health and love for our

Opiniones 10
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Agriturism shepher with sheeps with Alfonso&Lola in Caserío "La Vidriera" (El Moral) - Adulto 25,00 €

Agriturism shepher with sheeps with Alfonso&Lola in Caserío "La Vidriera" (El Moral) - Niño < 18 años 0,00 €



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