Fiestas Caravaca de la Cruz

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Fiestas Caravaca de la Cruz

From May 1 to 5


Caravaca de la Cruz parades and gallops from May 1st to May 5th celebrating one of the most outstanding fiestas of the year, the fiestas of the Santísima y Vera Cruz. Its declaration as International Tourist Interest is absolutely justified. For five days of uninterrupted entertainment, the locality is bursting with vitality, visitors and the desire of having fun. The fights between Moors and Christians, the border skirmishes with the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada and the feat of a group of templar knights are the outline of these festivities.



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The beginning of the fiestas is on April 30th with the Noche de las Migas (Night of the Breadcrumbs). Streets are crowded with charanga bands, batucadas (music events consisting of a group of percussion instruments) and the colouring of the peñas migueras, groups of people meeting to cook this typical dish made of breadcrumbs, garlic, sardines and sausages, that later get together in Plaza del Hoyo to choose the best migas. On May 1st there are very popular events such as the Flower Offering, the Contest of Bareback Horses and the Exhibition of Capes, real pieces of art woven with silk and silver and gold threads that will decorate horses the following day.

In the morning of May 2nd Caravaca celebrates the Caballos del Vino (Wine Horses), the big day of the fiestas. The only requirement for not being out of tone is to wear a red shawl, a white shirt and to bear in mind that you're going to attend one of the most deafening fiestas of Spain.

Hundreds of thousands of people meet together to live in direct the legendary race. Everything happens in the blink of an eye. Four lads run next to each horse in an intense gallop that finishes at the open area of the Castle. This race recalls an incredible event that happened 700 years ago. According to legend, when the Muslims besieged the castle of the sacred city, a group of templars was able to break the siege, introduce saddlebags full of wine with the aid of their horses and prevent the population from dying because of the poisoned water that the enemies had used to contaminate tanks.


The fiestas of Moors and Christians of Caravaca are the remembrance of the struggles and raids suffered by this territory during the Middle Ages. Unlike other places, besides the classic parades of Kabyles and Christian groups, the show includes historical representations as mock battles and flag captures.

On May 3rd, you can't miss the procession that goes through the streets of the old town, from the Iglesia del Salvador (Saviour's Church) to the Temple. It is one of the most beautiful monuments of these fiestas, as well as the Parliament between the Moors and Christian kingdoms and Baño de la Cruz (Bathing of the Cross) in the baroque Shrine, a mass event of vast devotion.

On May 4th, the Grand Parade takes place, in which Moorish and Christians wear their best clothes raising the public of their tribunes to the rhythm of Moors and Christians marches. On May 5th, the Ascent Procession of the Holy Relic to the Basilica Sanctuary is the best culmination of these festivities.

Some things you won't forget

One of the most special things is to wake up on May 2nd at seven in the morning with the bell ringing and the strong thunders, already listening to the bells of the horses galloping in the streets. This day, wherever you look, you'll see it all in white and red.

  Something unique of these fiestas is the number of different environments that are displayed according to the event and the time of day. It doesn't seem the same city in the morning as when the sun sets, but yes, both the spectacular nature and the hospitality of the caravaqueños is assured at any moment.

Coexistence between peñas caballistas and their charanga bands and Moor Kabyles and Christian groups, who take the streets willing to fight, to draw their swords and broadswords and gain positions around their kings and sultans.

The flavour of migas ruleras, the cakes or desserts like the alfajor (sweet of almond, pinenuts, walnuts, bread crumbs, honey and spices) the famous yemas, delicacies made of egg yolk and sugar, coated by caramel or chocolate. To end up with a good digestion, it is traditional to try homemade drinks like sweet wine and coffee liquor.

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