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Mar Menor

Large pond, Small sea, throughout history, the so-called Mar Menor has had different names

 Encañizadas Mar Menor

Mar Menor

Mar Menor

Mar Menor



Large pond, Small sea, throughout history, the so-called Mar Menor has had different names, all of which coincide in the description of a phenomenon that nature designed as a great coastal lake (originally, an open bay) of 170 km2 of warm saltwater.


Since distant times, the wealth of its water, the kindness of the climate and the beauty of the area as a whole attracted many people. The Iberians and Phoenicians and, later, the Arabs have a part in the history of the Mar Menor. In the Moslem period, it was known as the Mar Chico, and the place known today as Los Alcázares (from the Arabic Al-Ksar, literally translated as "place of residence") was chosen for their recreational houses. The continuous skirmishes with pirates from Algeria led to the need to construct watchtowers, some of which are conserved today, such as that of El Ramé or Rami. Until the 18th century, the area was occupied only by inhabitants dedicated to fishing and to the exploitation of the salt flats. From the 19th century, these centres gradually became centres for recreation and relaxation for the inhabitants of La Huerta, who established their summer residence next to the coast, attracted mainly by the curative properties of its brackish water.


Even today, the Mar Menor remains faithful to the concept of "residential area" characterised by rest and tranquillity.
The warm waters of the Mar Menor, with a maximum depth of 7 metres, hold the ideal conditions and means for those who enjoy open or group sailing. Furthermore, visitors to this area can enjoy all the advantages of the Sailing Station of the Mar Menor, which in keeping with the ski station concept, offers a set of sailing, sports and tourist infrastructures together with hotels, accommodation and establishments for leisure and learning grouped together in one place: the entire Shore area of the Mar Menor and La Manga. This large saltwater lake has ideal climatic conditions (315 days of sunshine per year and an average annual temperature of 18ºC) for the continuous practice of water sports.


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Mar Menor Nautical Station

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Eventos en Mar Menor


17 JUN

31 DIC

Caldero, the chief culinary ...

Los Alcázares

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19 MAY

24 AGO

August 14 to 24 Semana de ...

Los Alcázares

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24 MAY

10 AGO

August 9 Dire Straits and ...

Los Alcázares

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11 JUN

22 JUL

July 22 diana krall in concert ...

Los Alcázares

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13 JUN

20 JUL

July 20 the hercUlean way, ...

Los Alcázares

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13 JUN

20 JUL

July 20 josé luis jaén and ...

Los Alcázares

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14 JUN

19 JUL

July 19 cimafunk live in ...

Los Alcázares

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16 JUN

17 JUL

July 17 free steam brass ...

Los Alcázares

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19 JUN

03 AGO

July 13 to august 3 annual ...

Los Alcázares

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29 JUN

01 AGO

July 4 to august 1 free open-air ...

Los Alcázares

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04 JUL

31 DIC

8 dog-friendly Beaches in ...

Los Alcázares

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02 NOV

31 DIC

Los alcazares tourist offices

Los Alcázares

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16 ABR

22 JUL

Full programme for the 2024 ...

Los Alcázares

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17 JUN

31 DIC

Summer water sports and activities ...

Los Alcázares

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