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Welcome to Murcia, one of the most comfortable capital cities you can imagine

 Catedral de Murcia


 Catedral de Murcia y Palacio Episcopal


 Auditorio Victor Villegas


 Ayuntamiento de Murcia





The city of Murcia was founded in 831 by Abd-Al-Rahman II on a privileged location, in the centre of the Valley of the River Segura. The city wall offers a good idea of the importance achieved by the city under Arab rule, and the remains of part of the wall are still visible in different places around the city; the wall originally measured 15 metres in height and had 95 towers. The importance of the city has also been evidenced by the numerous archaeological findings, such as the remains of a palace unearthed at the Las Claras Convent.

The Christian city has also left a profound mark on Murcia's urban physiognomy; two of its main arteries, La Platería and La Trapería, still reveal the intense guild activity that developed in the metropolis.

However it was from the 16th century, and particularly the 18th century, onwards that Murcia achieved an urban splendour that lead to its expansion beyond the city walls. It was during that period that the numerous churches - mainly baroque in style - that mark the entire urban landscape were built. These churches include La Merced, San Miguel, Santa Ana, Las Claras, Santo Domingo, Santa Eulalia and San Juan de Dios, which combine their artistic and architectural designs with an important pictorial and sculptural heritage, containing numerous important works, including most notably those produced by Francisco Salzillo.


The most important religious building in Murcia is its Cathedral, construction of which began at the end of the 14th Century; this building contains gothic elements, such as La Puerta de los Apóstoles, and La Capilla de los Vélez; renaissance architecture, showcased by the Junterón Chapel; and baroque architecture, including most notably its façade, conceived as a gigantic altarpiece by Jaime Bort, with its clever conjugation of sculpture and architecture. Also noteworthy is its tower, measuring 92 metres in height and built in different stages between the 16th and 18th centuries.

The Cathedral is flanked by other eighteenth century buildings - the Episcopal Palace and the old Granary, known as El Almudí, both good examples of the construction boom that took place during the abovementioned period.

The streets and squares of Murcia also offer magnificent examples of 19th century architecture, such as the Town Hall, the Victoria Hotel, the Romea Theatre and particularly the Casino, built in 1847 and extended after 1902, and which contains decorations of great interest, such as its dance hall, the neo-nazarí (13th - 15th century Muslim dynasty in Granada) patio or the library, as well as its façade decorated by magnificent sculptures.

All this artistic and historic wealth is on display at the city's museums, such as the Archaeological Museum, the Fine Arts Museum or the Salzillo Museum, where visitors can enjoy the procession images created by this skilled Murcian maker of images for the procession of the morning of Good Friday, as well as his famous Nativity Scene, which marks the start of one of the oldest traditions in Murcia.

The Hydraulic Museum offers another clear example, just like the bridges that cross the river and particularly the Old Bridge, of the close relationship that exists between Murcia and the River Segura.

Murcian art is not limited to the city boundaries. Magnificent examples of baroque architecture can be found at the La Fuensanta Chapel or the Monastery of San Jerónimo, which is known as El Escorial Murciano, The Escorial of Murcia.


However, Murcia, rather than remain anchored in its past, has developed into a modern city, equipped with all the necessary facilities and infrastructures, an extensive university complex and an Auditorium and Congress Centre, which, in combination with its hotel facilities, make it the ideal place for holding meetings and events of all types.


Todo ello en una ciudad que mantiene sus tradiciones en lo que a fiestas se refiere. Así, su Semana Santa, con evidentes influjos de la huerta murciana, pone en las calles las esculturas de Salzillo y otros importantes imagineros. La huerta es también la protagonista del Bando, uno de los principales actos de las denominadas Fiestas de Primavera. Por un día, la huerta toma la ciudad, en una jornada en la que las vestimentas son prueba de la unión entre la ciudad y su huerta. El Entierro de la Sardina, por su parte, es el colofón a las citadas fiestas. Un desfile multicolor declarado de Interés Turístico Internacional, con carrozas y miles de regalos para el público que abarrota las calles murcianas. Como también lo hace en la Feria de Murcia la Romería, en la que se acompaña a la Patrona, la Virgen de la Fuensanta, hasta su Santuario.


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Eventos en Murcia


18 MAR

31 DIC

Spectacular landscapes unique ...


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10 MAY

31 DIC

Get to know the region of ...


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31 OCT

31 DIC

A superb adventure playground ...


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08 ENE

31 DIC

Monte Arabí tourist information ...


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30 ABR

31 DIC

A world of opportunities ...


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31 MAY

31 DIC

Free guided tours in the ...


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17 SEP

16 ABR

April 16 via crucis in torrealta ...


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05 OCT

29 MAR

March 29 free guided historical ...


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18 OCT

16 MAR

March 16 guided tour of the ...


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19 OCT

15 MAR

March 15 the hercUlean way, ...


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24 OCT

16 MAR

March 10 to 16 Totana artichoke ...


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25 OCT

09 MAR

March 9 guided tour of the ...


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25 OCT

09 MAR

March 9 arts and crafts market ...


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31 OCT

27 ABR

Until april 27 distopías ...


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13 NOV

14 MAR

February 18 to march 14 tapas ...


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