Try Our Cuisine

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Try Our Cuisine

We suggest you connect with the essence of the Region of Murcia by means of its food and wine. Here are some hints on how to treat yourself during your stay.

Who could deny that food is one of the tastiest reasons to visit new places? And that the way to visitors' hearts is through their stomachs, especially when they've travelled the map from top to bottom. Besides, there aren't just monuments in the squares and streets of the Region of Murcia; you'll find them on its cookers and stoves too, which means you can experience culture and treat your taste buds at the same time.

Our region is a cultural crossroads, something which is evident in our cuisine. Iberians, Phoenicians, Byzantines, Carthaginians, Romans and Arabians inhabited the area for centuries. They brought new products, but also knew how to make the most of the local produce, taking full advantage of the sun, the soil and water in our Region.

Tradition lives side by side with new approaches to food where recipes are reinvented and brought up to date. Despite their differences, both have something in common: the use of the finest products. The fusion of both creates an extensive landscape of delectable flavours.



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