Take it home with you

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Try Our Cuisine

We suggest you connect with the essence of the Region of Murcia by means of its food and wine. Here are some hints on how to treat yourself during your stay.

Take it home with you

Taking a T-shirt or a model of one the Region of Murcia's monuments home as a souvenir is fine, but taking a taste of our Region is better still. Typical food products are the best way of remembering your visit or sharing the experience with those who couldn't be with you on your journey.

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Sweet Memories

Each of these tasty souvenirs has a rich history that often goes back for centuries. They might be Greek or Roman, Phoenician or Carthaginian, Christian or Arabic in origin, but they all have one thing in common: they are sure to delight all those who try them. Make some space in your case, because there are plenty to choose from.

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Shopping and

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